
The Saint Louis Story: Learning & Living Racial Justice is a digital humanities, a community-based research project, and an educational resource that serves residents and students in Saint Louis and beyond. It provides historical information, research opportunities, and learning activities.

The Saint Louis Story is a collaborative project that SLU students and faculty, in partnership with community members, have developed to help address systemic racism in Missouri and Saint Louis. The information on this website came from many hours of research and experience. The overarching question we attempted to answer with this inquiry is: What is the history of slavery and systemic racism in Missouri and Saint Louis, and how does this history impact the city today?

When discussing modern challenges, we often struggle to realize and enact meaningful change because we do not understand how these challenges have interconnected throughout history and interconnect now.

Our vision for this project, therefore, is to counter historical ignorance and racism by expanding the archive through collaboration. We strongly believe that by better understanding history we can collaborate to bring about positive change.